Somatically Based Counseling


Somatic Therapy

Do you feel depressed or anxious too much of the time?  Have you tried writing about it, talking about it, thinking about it…without lasting results?  Are you suffering from panic attacks or depression more days than you used to?

Mindfulness-based somatic therapy uses the felt-sense of the body to guide the counseling experience. It creates resolutions for anxiety and depression and symptoms of PTSD beyond what words alone can do.  If you are tired of retelling the experience while the underlying feeling of shame, fatigue or anxiety continues to plague you, you might want to try this gentle, mindful approach.

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Trauma Therapy

It turns out that “trauma” is not the event itself, but rather the way we get stuck in an incomplete response to pain or fear.  Mindfulness-based somatic therapy — such as Mindfulness practices, Somatic Experiencing and Sensorimotor Psychotherapy—restores the nervous system to where it wanted to go, but couldn’t at the time.  Healing occurs even if the wounding happened without conscious memory.  Receive the skilled guidance needed for focused, gentle healing.

Are you tired of living your life without energy, passion and clarity?

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CranioSacral Therapy

** I am now seeing clients in person for this service.  Client and therapist will be masked for this service, as we are not able to be social distanced during the Craniosacral session.

What you are experiencing as misery or feeling lost or stuck is not your fault.    You simply lost some of the connection to yourself when you had to survive something overwhelming, painful or invasive.  You might be experiencing the on-going effects of shock — an energetic exiting of Spirit.  It can leave you feeling empty or numb inside.

CranioSacral therapy helps you gently and safely return to feeling embodied more fully. I use Mindfulness-based somatic therapy with the craniosacral therapy to integrate the experience.

Are you ready to experience who you are from a more integrated, authentic self?

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